A podcast dedicated to helping healing arts providers shine like the gems they are.

Interview with Misha Tsozik of MBODI Louisville

Interview with Misha Tsozik of MBODI Louisville

Published on: 21/01/2025

Misha Tsozik is a bodyworker and Somatic Experiencing practitioner who runs MBDOI in Louisville, Kentucky. We talk about the learning curve of self-employment, how and why she brought on employees in her studio, how to create an equitable workplace for all employees, and what it's like to transition from one modality to another when clients have come to expect something from you over the years. You can learn more about Misha and MBODI here: mbodilouisville.com/meet-misha



Published on: 14/01/2025

Recently a fellow practitioner asked me, essentially: "Do you support yourself with your practice, or is somebody else paying your bills?" She went on to ask if it's really possible to support oneself with their healing arts practice. This episode is my public answer to all of you, containing full honesty financial details from my life.

The Most Essential Things

The Most Essential Things

Published on: 07/01/2025

Consider this a Cliff’s Notes guide to the most essential things you need to put in place to have a practice that is successful and can therefore take good care of you and your clients.

Super Simple Strategies: Reach Out!

Super Simple Strategies: Reach Out!

Published on: 01/01/2025

I am always advocating for the simplest possible solution. So in addition to my longer form episodes, I will sprinkle in these brief and actionable Super Simple Strategies episodes. Today we are talking about the technically easy, but sometimes psychologically hard, act of reaching out. Who can you get in touch with today!?

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