A podcast dedicated to helping healing arts providers shine like the gems they are.

Don't Deprive Yourself of the Good Stuff

Don't Deprive Yourself of the Good Stuff

Published on: 17/12/2024

There are certain things that make solo, self-employed private practice a great business model for quality of life. However, I also often see practitioners unconsciously setting themselves up to fail by denying themselves the ability to get the full perks of being their own boss.

Systematize Your Burnout-Proof Business

Systematize Your Burnout-Proof Business

Published on: 29/12/2023

We made it to the final building block! This week I’m discussing building block number 6: how to systematize your burnout proof business. If you missed building blocks 1 through 5, you can go back Building blocks 1 through 5 are all about attaining liftoff, but most of what you will be doing in your business is running your actual business.

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