Super Simple Strategies: Reach Out!
Welcome to the first in what will be an ongoing series of short form, actionable episodes with super simple strategies that you can implement quickly and easily.
I am always advocating for the simplest possible solution.
We got into our fields as healing arts providers because we want to help people with the skillset that we trained in, not because we are in love with the idea of mastering small business skills like marketing, bookkeeping, financial planning, etc, etc.
And, even if we DO love all the small business nuance, it’s usually the little things that make a huge difference. We often don’t need a huge overhaul or a complex system to see an immediate difference in our practices.
So in addition to my longer form episodes, I will sprinkle in these episodes that will hopefully spark some inspiration and support for you and your practice.
Today, here is a super simple strategy that you can use if you want your practice to be busier than it currently is:
Reach out to people!!
I’m doing this episode now because one thing that makes it easier is if you tie it to a time of year reason for reaching out.
For example, it’s spring allergy season, or even, simply, it’s fall, winter, spring, summer- you can reach out at the beginning of each season (but you don’t have to!)
And right now, it’s New Year’s Resolution season! Even if you don’t bring up those pesky resolutions that everyone grapples with, it is a new year, and people often have things they want to do to take care of themselves in the New Year.
So reach out while people are in a new year’s state of mind!
I will break the kinds of simple outreach into 2 categories:
If you are wrapping up your training and preparing to start your practice, one of the best, simplest things you can do is to announce that to everyone you know.
Send an email to friends and family when you have the details about your new office and/or website and let them know that you are starting your practice and are taking on new clients, and so are happy to have them either 1: come see you or 2: refer people your way.
And if you have been in practice for a while and your schedule is currently quieter than you want and need it to be, ask yourself if you’ve reached out to your existing and past clients.
Send an email- it doesn’t have to kick off a whole recurring newsletter series. It doesn’t have to be a poetically and beautifully written essay. It doesn’t have to include free advice about things they can do for their health.
Just a “Hi all, I hope you’re doing well, I’m just writing to let you all know that I currently have new availability and my schedule is> direct them to scheduling, etc etc.”
You can also let them know that you are currently accepting new clients and would of course appreciate any referrals if they can think of people they know who would benefit from your work.
Stay in touch, reach out, ask for what you want!
Before I wrap up today’s simple strategies episode, a note that I do have the Simple Outreach Templates which can save you from staring at a blank screen, and also give you plenty of ideas around when and how you would reach out. Not just to clients, but to grow your referral network.